Souled Out 2000

January 16, 2000 in Cincinnati, OH
Firstar Center

Catch-As-Catch-Can Match
Billy Kidman vs. Dean Malenko

Vampiro vs. David Flair and Crowbar

Big Vito & Johnny the Bull vs. Ron & Don Harris

WCW Cruiserweight Title Match
Oklahoma vs. Madusa

WCW Hardcore Title Match
Brian Knobs vs. Fit Finlay, Norman Smiley, and Meng

Bunkhouse Brawl Match
Billy Kidman vs. Perry Saturn

Booker T. vs. Stevie Ray

Tank Abbott vs. Jerry Flynn

Buff Bagwell vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Steel Cage Match
The Wall vs. Billy Kidman

Kevin Nash vs. Terry Funk

WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
Chris Benoit vs. Sid Vicious